Thursday, September 19, 2013

The first day of the rest of my life...

...Or at least my teacher life.

This is my first ever blog post.  I've been lurking in the MTBoS for the past year and I've been thinking about blogging for a while.  At our in-service before the start of school, we were told that we were going to have to come up with a plan for differentiated teacher evaluation.  With several options, I thought that using the MTBoS as Professional Development would be an amazing opportunity for my professional growth.  And the push I needed to become more involved and start blogging.

This is my 14th year, and I was really having a hard time getting excited about it.  This has never happened before.  I'm also teaching a course I've never taught before and that hasn't happened for quite a few years.  These are the reasons why I'm really trying to make more of an effort to change some things and take the idea of "growing professionally" a lot more seriously. So, I'm hoping that this blog will be a way to help me set goals and reflect on my practices in my attempt to get better at what I do.

Some things I've already initiated in my classroom (all begged, borrowed, and stolen from the amazing Math teachers I follow on Twitter):
Some things are still on my to-do list.  I guess a little bit at a time....


  1. Yes, welcome! It looks like you've already found some of the best bloggers, and their awesome posts. Good luck implementing them!
